So many customer meet some problem when they operate MB Star C4.If you also have some problem .pls do not worry about that .you could tell us what is happened and send the picture which step could not work .Our engineer will solve that one by one for you .
Here Let us to show some problem we often meet then how to solve that as following :
Q1: The MB STAR C4 could work with the window 7?
A1: Although the moveable hard disk version is compatible with WIN7, better Professional version. But we suggest you not use WIN7, 90% sdc4 software get broken because of the usage of WIN7.
Q2: When you operate the mb star c4 but that the Screen become blue after insert SD C4 Dell D60 hard disk into the computer and open it.
A2: Pls note : you need make sure your Dell D630 computer is integrated video card and with 1GB memory, because the D630 of discrete video card is easy to have blue screen or shutdown and restart, restart and shutdown.
Q3:When you operate that .if appear the problem as following picture ?
A3: Pls do not worry about that .you need activate that .and then we will send the the Xentry deverloper file then you will activate that is ok .
Here i wont list more one by one here ,if you meet any problem when you operate the mb star c4 ,pls contact us on our website : .
Focus On OBD Tool Since 2008
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